Nuorten(10-14v) Ironman Kickboxing peruskurssi
ti 28. maalisk.
Nuorten Ironman Kickboxing peruskurssi Kesto noin 2,5kk / 20 harjoituskertaa Alkaa 28.3 klo 19 Harjoitukset: Tiistaisin klo 19-20 Perjantaisin klo 18-19 Hinta: 99€

Paikka & aika
28. maalisk. 2023 klo 19.00 – 30. toukok. 2023 klo 20.00
Pori, Vanhakoivistontie 14, 28360 Pori, Finland
Tietoa tapahtumasta
Salillamme harjoitellaan Ironman Kickboxing pystyottelu-tyylisuuntaa, joka on saanut alkunsa Jyrki Saarion ja Jonny Andreassonin toimesta vuonna 1989 Göteborgissa Ruotsissa.
Kickboxing eli potkunyrkkeily on yksi maailman eniten kasvavista kamppailulajeista ja on kaikille sopiva, mutta vain oikein opetettuna.
Salimme ohjaajat ovat Saario Academyn hyväksymiä Ironman kickboxing ohjaajia ja ovat käyneet lajin ohjaajakoulutuksen.
Potkunyrkkeily sopii vahvistamaan itsepuolustustaitoja tai tehokkuutensa vuoksi myös erinomaiseksi kuntoilumuodoksi. Suuri osa harrastajista onkin mukana kuntoilumielessä.
Potkunyrkkeilyssä tehdään paljon suoritteita aikaa vastaan, jolloin jokainen voi tehdä suoritteet oman tasonsa mukaan.
Potkunyrkkeily kehittää monipuolisesti lihaskuntoa, kestävyyttä, nopeutta, voimaa, räjähtävyyttä, notkeutta, koordinaatiokykyä ym.
Saario Academy certified Ironman Kickboxing Clubs are martial arts schools that are authorized to teach the proprietary Ironman Stand-Up-Fighting programs. These programs have been developed by Jyrki Saario and Jonny Andreasson in Gothenburg, Sweden 1989.
Kickboxing is one of the fastest growing martial arts on the planet, but the success of your kickboxing journey will rely heavily on the culture of the school you attend and instructional methods used by your instructors.
Read our three reasons below why you should learn Kickboxing at Saario Academy.
Even though all Ironman Kickboxing clubs are independently owned and operated, we are very proud to inform you that all of our certified instructors have undergone extensive training directly under the Saario Academy. This ensures that you are provided with the best possible learning environment on your path to kickboxing mastery. Kickboxing is for everyone, but only if taught correctly.
At our Kickboxing classes, safety is the number one priority. In far too many kickboxing schools, the classes are structured to meet the needs of the most elite students. If you are a beginner student, you are expected to serve as a “boxing dummy” for those above you. The thought process is, if you avoid injury, and stick around long enough, you will eventually figure it out. At our clubs we take the opposite approach.
Firstly, there is no competitive sparring in our beginner programs. As a result, you’ll have a chance to learn all the beginner techniques in a fully-cooperative environment, with like-minded training partners, for 4-6 months. Once you move on to the advanced program, and you begin sparring, you will have the benefit of working with training partners, of every skill level, who are working with you rather than against you.